Personal transformation made simple and practical

What is The Unlimited Blueprint?

There is so much information out there about how to change your life. Honestly, I absolutely love it all! I think it's extraordinary that we have access to so much information and that we get to study it and discover new possibilities

However, if you're like me, that search can get overwhelming, especially when you're simply looking for the steps to create a change in your life.

After 7+ years invested in my own research in personal growth and spirituality, going from teacher to teacher, course to course, book to book, workshop to workshop... I got the answers to my deepest questions, but they were all across different areas and I had to organize myself and synthesize all the information.

The Unlimited Blueprint is a foundational course where I share with you a consolidation of my knowledge and experiences so you can save years of searching and thousands of dollars.

Who is it for?

If you’re someone who is committed to their personal growth and desires to collapse the amount of time it takes between the thought of the new life you want and the experience of having it, The Unlimited Blueprint is for you.

If you’re tired of watching endless content on Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube, searching for answers only to find superficial information that lacks practical steps and depth, The Unlimited Blueprint is for you.





In this signature course, you will receive a consolidation of over 7 years of my personal journey with transformational work.

My goal is to synthesize all the information knowledge, and wisdom I've gained into an easy to digest format for you to experience true transformation in a shorter amount of time.

You will get powerful distinctions and clarifications that have the potential to save you thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours. 

Module 1 

Your Desire and Will to Create a New Life

Module 2

Mastering Your Mind

Module 3

Mastering Your Emotions 

Module 4

Mastering Your Body

Module 5

Trusting the Guidance of Your Soul

Welcome, beautiful human!

I'm Jonathan Perez, creator of The Unlimited Blueprint. My personal journey has involved spending over 7+ years (so far) to find the answers of how to transform ourselves and perform at the highest levels. Throughout my journey, I have discovered unimaginable levels of joy and a profound love for life.

I am passionate about sharing what I've learned, simplifying the process of change and transformation, and inspiring people to engage in life fully by overcoming their fears.

Today, my personal mission is to reach millions of people and awaken the unlimited potential, power, and pure love that I know exists within every single one of us.

I am passionate about helping people create an extraordinary vision for their life and learn the practical steps they need to take to manifest it without dogma, spiritual mumbo jumbo, dozens of plant medicine journeys, or spending 10 years on a rock meditating.

I am passionate about building embodied leaders who walk their talk and don’t just talk about change and greatness, they live it.

To do this, I wanted to create a course that represents what I wish I had when I began my journey that includes the simplifications, distinctions, and key foundational knowledge to support my personal transformation.

From that desire was born The Unlimited Blueprint. Join me! Inside you will gain powerful knowledge to unlock your potential and create the life you most desire.